by maw | Oct 18, 2020 | Researchers
A series of advanced, hands-on workshops for the University of Melbourne and Florey PhD students will be available during 2015. These workshops will offer students the opportunity to develop skills in key areas that they identify to be directly related to their...
by maw | Oct 18, 2020 | Researchers
Congratulations to the recipients of the University of Melbourne 7T MRI Pilot Projects for 2014. Chief Investigator: Peter Brotchie Institution: UoM (Honorary, Radiology & Honorary, Clinical School – St Vincent’s Hospital) ...
by maw | Oct 17, 2020 | Researchers
On 17 October, the Victorian Biomedical Imaging Capability held its annual network meeting at the Ian Potter Auditorium, Melbourne Brain Centre. Over 70 people attended to hear Professor Lawrence Wald (Harvard University) give his keynote on new directions for brain...
by maw | Oct 17, 2020 | Researchers
At Monash University’s Centre for Human Anatomy Education, Director Professor Paul McMenamin, Dr. Justin Adams, Ms Michelle Quayle (pictured below) and Dr. Simon Collins are creating a cost effective anatomical kit to be known as ‘The Monash 3D...
by maw | Oct 17, 2020 | Researchers
Professor Lawrence Wald will present “New Directions for Brain MRI Hardware and Acquisition” as part of the 2014 VBIC Network Meeting. Date: 17 October 2014 Venue: Ian Potter Auditorium, Kenneth Myer Building Time: 8:30am for 9:00am...